Neolabyrinthium- Shop
Neolabyrinthium- Shop
Neolabyrinthium products

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Neolabyrinthium products bring harmony to your life and living space. Everything starts from the heart-shaped symbol like a labyrinth.

This symbol carries the following energy?

It brings harmony where there is duality and judgement

It activates your soul and gives it space 

It is a tool for self-healing

In this webshop you can buy products that bring harmony into your life.

Want to know more about labyrinths and fingerlabyrinths?

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NeoLabyrinthium Rek nr: BE78068951090986, +32 497 59 33 92, contact@neolabyrinthium.comDit is de webshop van de produkten van Beharmony. Ontworpen door Cathy Camertijn.